Can I snap to a grid while using the Pull or Move tool? How and why should I use the Groups feature? How can I create a surface patch? How can I dimension my model while still in the design process, without moving to a drawing sheet? How can I render my model? How can I specify a shape for the new surface I create using the Patch Fill tool? How do I constrain my sketch? How do I create a fillet? How do I create a helical revolve? How do I create a pattern? How do I create a rotational pattern? How do I dimension my model? How do I get back to my sketch? How do I loft surfaces? How do I make assembly models? How do I package multiple components into one assembly to send to a client? How do I use the Wrap around target option in the Project tool? What does Style Painter do? What does the Rounds tool on the Prepare tab do? What is the difference between the Mirror tool in Sketch mode versus 3D mode? What´s the difference between Pull and Move? When I try to pull multiple faces, why do I get surfaces instead? Where do I preform Boolean operations? Why are solids grayed out in the design window? Why can´t I combine a solid with a surface? Why does a face change in size when I pull it? Why does my solid turn into a surface when I hit the Delete key? Why does one solid in an assembly automatically move every instance of that component throughout the assembly? Why won´t solids combine together?